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Friday, 28 September 2012

One In A Million.. By Harshita Srivastava

Image Courtesy: Google images

The candles had begun to flicker but the passion in our eyes was not going to extinguish so easily. We looked lovingly in each others eyes and let ourselves lose in the fire of love. With no realization of time, we let the darkness take over the room but that had no affect on us. It was just the two of us and that's all what mattered to us. Suddenly I saw her go away. I tried to reach her but couldn't. I wanted to stop her but my voice gave away. I saw her leaving but all I could do was just watch by silently. My strength seem to have lost.
I opened my eyes and saw that there was no power supply in my flat. I was sweating like hell. I looked at my cell. It showed 3:30 a.m. Another similar dream or should I say nightmare. Nisha... She would never leave my heart or mind. I stood up from my bed and went towards the refrigerator. In the darkness I hit myself with a damn wall but it didn't hurt much. Sometimes inner pain is much more than physical pain. I took out a water bottle and gulped in some aqua. Sleep wouldn't come anyway now. I sat on the sofa and tried to close my eyes. All I saw was Nisha. I opened my eyes for it made me remember the car accident, the scars of the tragedy had vanished by now but the pain in heart was still raw.
I took a torch and went towards her wardrobe. She had an impeccable dressing sense, a special relation with white colour made her stand out of the crowd. As I touched her white stone studded sari, I remembered the rain that had brought us together. The touch of the cloth still reminded me of her silken soft skin. I moved my hands over her clothes hanging and her fragrance still lingered in each of them. The power supply was finally back and I could finally see things properly. I opened the drawer that contained her jewellery. The ring that embarked our journey as man and wife still shined like it did four years back. The necklace I had gifted her on our first anniversary brought back beautiful memories. The diamond pendant I had got specially made for her when I got the news of her pregnancy was closest to my heart. My eyes had turned wet again thinking about my dead wife and an unborn child, a life that both of us had nurtured for six months but unfortunately our angel had to go away even before she was born. And her Mommy had to go along with her in the car accident.
I opened our wedding album, she looked no less than a goddess. Both us had worn the same colour on our wedding, copper that had complemented with the event decoration as well. With full pride, I had tied the anklets on her feet in front of everyone as a gift of being my wife. I still remember how she had been blushing all night. Our life as man and wife was eternal. I opened her diary which she kept while we were dating in college, it had all the moments we had spent together described with detail. Every date narration had a captured moment stuck to it. I smiled as I turned page after page reading the stuff for the nth time. I sighed as I closed the diary. I lay down on the couch holding the diary close to me. With another round of tears in my eyes, I kept asking God, "Why did you do this to me?"
I didn't remember when I slept but I remember waking up with a phone call. It was Adi. Why the hell did he have to call when I was sleeping? I thought of rejecting it, I generally do so but I picked it up.
"Karthik, check the news on India TV now," he spoke. Urgency could well be sensed from his voice.
"Why? What happened?" I said as I got up from the couch and moved towards the living room.
"Do as I say. There is news about a woman who is supposedly around 28-30 years of age and was found by the villagers of the hills two years back. She was profusely injured and had no senses left. It is a very remote area where no medical help is available. And.." he paused.
"And what?" I asked as I flipped through the channels to look for India TV. I didn't even know at what channel no. was it broadcasted.
"And she somehow looks like Nisha. I might be wrong as I have met her only once on your wedding. But she has a strong resemblance with her and this girl is found in Himachal, exactly where you guys met with an accident. May be that's because we never found her body. Plus, this girl seems to have lost her memory. All she remembers is a name."
I desperately flipped through channels. Why don't I ever watch India TV for news?
"Whose name is it?" I asked.
I finally found the news and before Adi could reply I heard the reporter saying that the girl remembers just one name 'Karthik'. I looked at the photo of the girl that was being shown on the news. She looked dull but she was my Nisha. I frantically noted down the number and dialed it. I collected all the documents required for the formalities and set out for the hills. I reached there next morning and with the help of the officials found the place where my life lived. Soon enough I saw a girl in white filling water, she still looked heavenly and her tastes had still not changed. White and Neisha went along together everywhere. I stood beside her until she looked at me. Her eyes were cold as if trying to recognize me. For a moment I thought she wouldn't be remembering my face. I held her hands for a few minutes without saying anything and suddenly she spoke, "Karthik, thanks for coming"
My happiness knew no bounds. I saw her smile. It would take a lot of time to get everything back it to its place but what actually mattered was she. Her presence made me feel alive. The moment she had called out my name, I felt as if I got a new birth in this life itself. I hugged her tightly as tears came out of our eyes, tears of joy, tears of pain we had been through, tears of agony and tears of togetherness that would begin now. A new journey to embark upon..A new direction to the journey called love...She was truly One in a Million.
What do you think?: Do you have someone who's truly One in a million. If  yes, Do Add a Comment Below

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  1. touched. no words to describe :(

  2. yes it is one in million..:)
    n yes miracles to happen..:)

  3. really worth d title 'one in a million'...mast hai :)

    1. Thank you Raj :) Elated to know that you liked my post

  4. really this title suits the above story..... This was the power of love..... Lovly story....

  5. Loved it ..:)
    very touching.. I myself have experienced the power of love and how it changes life!!


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