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Saturday, 22 September 2012

Definitely, The Rain.............but with you. By - Himanshu Chhabra

Few days are that worst, that we can't even fake a smile. Tears are flowing out of me. i am not enough stronger to see you with your new boyfriend.
           Wounds were healing slowly, you slapped my heart again, they turned fresh. i am feeling pathetic, feeling like the day we had our break-up. i am feeling like going somewhere and killing myself. at least my eyes will not able to see you again.
         I definitely want to see you again but not in the way it's all going. But Apparently your are happy with your life-without-me. Today, i asked my mom again. Can i leave the city, the state or probably the country. i don't want to be a tiny part of her environment. i want to be a thing called "World".
      If i will move towards her, i will steal her happiness.  if not, i will steal my own dreams, my tears.
    They ask me everyday, How much we have to wait for her and i always tell them to wait for a few more days. I predict unnecessarily. It's a never ending wait.
            I am locked somewhere in the days, when we were happy together and that together was meant to be forever. what i did? what was my mistake?
        The night which rained in your lap. The sleep which stayed in your wait. The eyes which are controlling the oceanic love till now. The heart which stopped beating regularly, ironic of your touch.
  Hearting is beating enough to keep me alive, but not enough to make me live the day, live the life. My life is insane.
        I don't have something to dedicate her, except the last romantic conversation we had that evening, when it rained.
"It's raining outside" Her voice was clear and seductive, as seductive as a can of vodka.
" i am playing NFS Carbon, will see it later" i said killing my joy-stick.
"Stop it, go outside na" She was louder this time on the cell-phone, i managed to hold between my head and my shoulder.
"No....please.....last lap" i shrugged
"Shut it down, only if you love me"  and here goes the girl's unbeatable weapon.
"fine..." i put the joy-stick down and drifted my wooden door. it was raining heavily, clouds were eating evening and twilight was coming. it was actually romantic, the cool breeze slapping my face, the shower i was having in my balcony.
"Go and feel the rain" She was literally whispering, adding tons of seduction in the moment. damn, her voice was creating the magic.
    I moved my hand forward, allowing few drops to kiss my feast. i was forced to close my eyes "I Love You,"
"Oh really, me or the rain?" She was back with her trademark tone.
"Definitely, The Rain.............but with you" i tried to be diplomatic. girls like diplomatic answers. i don't know about the rest, but she just love it.
"acha....prove it. come and hug me tightly, if you truely love me" she whispered again.
"Oh, close your eyes. look, i am there in front of you"
"Baby.... diplomatic again..."
"na.... to....."
"han.... to....."
"mumma, talk to you later, bye" and her mumma killed the romantic conversation.
"Bye....kiss?" i asked
"muwaaahh" Though she kissed her cell-phone, but it strike straight in the mid of my heart.
Call Disconnected - 01:17:53

12 Minutes Later:

"Still busy with your NFS... whatever"
"Nope, with the rain"
"I thought you like it with me..."
" i do" i proclaimed.
"Hey .....the rainbow. come outside" She ran towards her balcony. i heard some movements.
"Where? you liar" She was disappointed.
"Baby....look downward" and her eyes reached me....i was all wet under the shower of rain.....smiling stupidly at her.
" are actually here, i was kidding stupid. you are all wet....come under the roof, i am coming downstairs" She was happy, yet caring about me. she was gloaming, while coming downstairs. her kissable lips were in upward cure and her eyes were searching her happiness in me. We hugged tightly.
              Flashback ends, coming back to reality. now, it's all ended. She is gone. i do cry at nights, i do cry at days i do cry 24X7. Please come back :'(

By: Himanshu Chhabra

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  1. No words to describe.

  2. so nice story.....

  3. its beautifully describe...touched my heart...emotion full of words..:)
    loved it..

  4. this was very touching...but life doesn't works the way we want it to, mate...sorry for you...may god give you strength to move on!


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