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Just Saying

Just Saying

Monday, 15 October 2012

Why is it important to say 'I love you'?

Amongst the many recurring discussions my friend divya and I keep having, one of the most frequent one is  "Why is it important to say 'I love you'?"

Is it really important to say the words "I love you?" to your loved ones--your closest friends, your family members, your relatives and your spouse? If actions speak louder than words why isn't 'action' enough? Why do some people say these words easily and why do they choke in the throats of others like a fish-bone or like a large morsel of food swallowed hastily? If you are above the age of fifty you would probably find it harder to say the words, as you're conditioned to think and behave in  certain ways. But if you're not older than fifty (give or take a few years) you probably can say them if you  really want to.

The fact is that three simple words "I love you" when said, when you really mean them, have the power to uplift, to heal, to comfort, to calm and reassure. They are very powerful words indeed. All humans long to hear these words. They show an unconditional acceptance  of the other person and create a powerful shield around their vulnerabilities.

Everyone feels unloved now and then. There is enough negativity, stress, anger and hate in the world. The words when uttered by a loved one, enriches the giver as well as the receiver. It goes a long way indeed in making that person feel wonderful. Think back about the last time that you heard those words. Remember the emotions you experienced. The person you say it to, would of course be experiencing the same emotions. Who does not want to be loved?

Saying "I love you" or "Love you loads" when you really mean it, is in fact, an electrifying form of  communication. You can just feel the energy in those three words.

My friend divya says everybody has a cup of love that needs to be filled every single day. I agree whole heartedly with her.By nature, I am very expressive, and I do tell the special people in my life often that I love them. divya does too (a lot more than me)  and it is no wonder that she draws so many positive people towards her.

 Why is it so important? Because life is very short and very unpredictable. People die. Relationships die.There may be times or there may be days when you want to say it but you're unable to. You cannot because that person is no longer there. It is one of the saddest feelings I have experienced. I know that on some days I want to hear it very badly. (Perhaps my cup wasn't filled enough that day)

When parents hear "I love you", they feel assured that they did not do such a terrible job of raising you after all. When a lover hears "I love you" what he/she hears is "I am there for you even if the entire world is against you." When friends hear "I Love you" they feel appreciated and valued and loved.

So just say it!  Text or mail if you're still shy about expressing it, but it is very important to express it.

I feel  so content when I hear these words from the ones closest to me. I'd much rather have my cupful of love than a two pints of beer or a super bike any day! Sometimes I demand it, but it is not the same as getting it unconditionally.

If you're able to say it and if you have people who say it often to you, then you are blessed beyond belief. Consider yourself lucky. Very lucky and blessed indeed.

May it always stay that way!

p.s: when you say "I LOVE YOU" with all sincerity and when you truly mean it, a kind of magic happens which is hard to explain.
Don't believe me? Try it!

And I, for one, am fortunate indeed to hear these words often from my closest friends and from my cousins. I silently thank them and they go into my cup of blessings.

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