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Just Saying

Just Saying

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

I love both,being a doctor or an author-one is like mother and other is like wife to me. - Rachit Bhushan

 Today on Purple Pen i am very delighted to interview one of the Most popular Authors Mr. Rachit Bhushan..
Being a successful Doctor and also a prominent writer.. Lets ask him something about his personal and professional life..

Ques:- Sir my first question you is We often hear about Role Conflicts. That is when a person faces difficulties when performing two different roles. How much you relate to this.?
Answer:-  I don't feel so because the amount of  warmth and love I get from people acts as energy and encouragement for me.Every person gets 24 hours in a day.....some use it and leap while others waste and perish.I believe once you are determined and focussed-time,pressure and problems can never divert you.So for me I love both,being a doctor or an author-one is like mother and other is like wife to me.

Ques:- When you realized that being a writer was your real dream.?
Answer:- I never took it as a dream.I just started writing because I started loving it.People went on supporting me,they encouraged me to go ahead with it and that is how I turned into an author.I write just to win your hearts :).

Ques:- You are known for using the social networking sites in best way. You think this is season why your books get such brilliant response ?
Answer:- In present scenario,be it kids or elderly people,they all access internet.So I thought why not to explore this space for literary work.In fact,I had written this novel online and before going into already had over 50000 fans.On internet we could stay in touch with those people whom we have not even met.So I decided to take up internet as the medium to spread my work and though it took lot of time and effort but today,I have SPARK A RACHIT BHUSHAN COMPANY doing pretty good on that note,which has already featured over 100 authors till now.

Ques:- Creative people be it a Painter or a Writer many time suffer mind blocks. Did you ever come across such Thing.?
Answer:- Till now...I have not faced such a moment in my life.May be when I grow old it may happen.I believe in instant writing.My posts,story,updates all are written at that moment itself,I just can play with words and write a line rhthmically in under 300 seconds.

Ques:- Your First Novel was a national Bestseller. What was the one thing according to you your that novel lacked?
Answer:- Yes it is now a bestseller....and it was not just a story but they were those moments which I have lived.Frankly speaking, my readers are the better people to answer that,because they have read it and can judge better than  me.

Ques:- You talk a lot about love wheather on social sites or interviews. How much you strongly believe in Love?
Answer:- Yes I strongly believe in love and it is a beautiful feeling indeed, where two people connect and bond.

Ques:- Why do you continue being a doctor even after being a successful writer.? Is it because you love this profession or you believe that writing in India is not safe in economic terms?
Answer:- See I was a doctor first and it is an entirely different field.I want to continue as a doctor because there is nothing big than saving someone's life.Rest about being an author so side by side writing goes on with the same intensity.I don't work for money,if you  are hardworking and focused on your,fame and money follows.

Ques:- Bollywood these days is very inspired by novels. If your latest novel Long Distance Relationship turns into a movie. Who would you love to see as the lead pair from the industry ?
Answer:- If ever it gets turned into a movie I would like to see ''HRITHIK ROSHAN'' OR ''SALMAN KHAN'' in male lead and ''KATRINA KAIF'' opposite to them.

Ques:- How did the title 'By losing you.. I found how much i needed you' hit your mind.?
And you told in an interview that its your own story.. Well is that true?
Answer:- Yes,it is a true story.The name 'By losing you.. I found how much i needed you' struck me instantly and  that moment I decided that this should be the title of my novel.Apart from that,we took a public opinion on few other titles along with this and there too ''BY LOSING YOU'' got the maximum votes.So that is how the name came up.

Ques:- Please share one memorable incident while the making of LDR.?
Answer:- There are many but the most exciting one is that the novel was written in under 5 days of time.Also a video about ''LDR'' was released recently where for the first time I have acted along with 2 beautiful models.

Ques:- What one thing you learned while making LDR.? And how raised above all the downfalls.?
Answer:- The one thing I learnt from ''LDR'' is that there may be many difficulties coming your way but keep moving ahead and sooner or later you will achieve your goal.I just had support of my family and friends who helped me whenever I used to be in trouble and that always worked for me.

Ques:- Whats your take on the upcoming popularity of Blogs Purple Pen being one such?
Answer:- It is really good to know about you people who are not just pretty in looks but are talented too.Yes purple pen is doing a great job indeed and I wish that it keeps rising and shining day by day.Wish you all the very best.

Thank you very much Sir, for your time.
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