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Just Saying

Just Saying

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Those who writes well, will be read well. : Moeedul Hussain

Today we have on Purple Pen, one of the leading writers of Today's era. Mr. Moeedul Hussain…

With his book “To Be Continued…” He has touched many hearts and will continue to do that in future...
His book hit the stands with the end 2012 and going well in the market.
Today we are here to know something more about him...

Ques.- Sir my first question for you is what you think you were born to write or you pushed yourself to be a Writer.?
Ans: No… In no ways, I can even think that either I was born to write or was pushed to write. Writing just happened to me…! But I believe, I was born to be the centerfold of my Parents’ Love…!

Ques.- How important it is to be a popular face before the release of your book?

Ans: See, don’t believe in popularity…till you are doing something good, no one can keep you confined. But yeah, to keep you updated with this digital age, you should have a basic platform.

Ques.- We often hear about writers suffering from a disorder called Schizophrenia that is when a person starts building his own world away from reality... How much do you agree with this?
Ans: I totally disagree with this kind of notion. Don’t know who started spreading this kind of rumors!
As far as I know, writers are those people, who make emotions to come alive in a simple piece of paper. And if someone says that writers suffer from ‘Schizophrenia’, it will be totally wrong.
Every individual has some hidden stories which they can’t share or don’t want to share. We write these untold stories of the society. People enjoys reading them as they can relate themselves in the stories, but they never accepts that they are also related to these stories and just ends up accusing the poor writer!

 Ques.- What takes to be a Good writer, a Talent to write well or the patience to accept downfalls?
Ans: We can’t label a writer as good or bad. Till he/she writes, we call them writers.
Talent, ups and downs are lame excuses to start up something bad or end up with something good.
What really matters and is required is the ‘wish’ to write, the ‘curiosity’ to write. In short, you can say for a writer, writing is ‘the way of living life’.
Ques.- “To Be Continued…” is centered around the concept of love, friendship, peer pressure. How much you relate yourself to this story and the lead character Reehan?
Ans: 101%...ha…ha…!!! Being a guy, who won’t love to be surrounded with so many beauties; I also wish to have the life of Reehan (excluding the break-ups he had)…but unfortunately I’m not lucky enough to be another “Reehan”!
Ques.- Writers often face the dilemma of writing real or writing unreal. Sir which path you follow?
Ans: If we observe carefully, we will see that the term ‘unreal’ do not exist. What was not there yesterday, today we are having them and what is not there today, tomorrow we might have them.
As I already said, writers always write the real things but it’s the readers or the audience, who labels their work as ‘real’ or ‘unreal’.
But yeah, I can only say one thing on this: writers are the group of people, who writes only the real things, but people loves to believe in ‘fairy-tales’.
Ques.- What challenges you faced while writing your first venture “To Be Continued…”?
Ans: I’m a kind of person, who always runs away from challenges; my parents can tell you on this. But yeah, as I started “To Be Continued…” by the end of my Engineering days, I was running out of time and also had to bunk a lot of the early morning classes. Thanks to some of my lecturers, who allowed me to write exams!
Moreover, in the beginning, my Dad didn’t support me for the same reason and always had a reason to provoke me. 

Ques.- Inspiration always helps... Who is the one person in your life you are really inspired by?
Ans: I wish you would have given me the option of ‘two’ words so that I could have said ‘Ammu’ (Mom) & ‘Abbu’ (Dad). But as the options are limited, I will go with my ‘Abbu’.  
Ques.- Today writing has crossed the level of morality to some extent… With evils like lust, jealously and insecurity taking the front seat… You think this is right step?
Ans: Classifying writing in any of the ways will be wrong, I think so. Whether it’s good or bad, it needs to be written. Those who writes well, will be read well. Jealousy and insecurity can’t be the reason of pushing someone back or dragging someone to the front rows. Writing is all about an open heart which knows how to put life into the lifeless papers.
But yeah, what you can do: don’t read them, whom you feel like evil, lusty, jealous, insecure, etc.  
Ques.- Sir my last question for you is Purple Pen is a blog which is inspiring many to write discovering new ideas. You think Purple Pen is contributing to writing in some way?
Ans: Please don’t keep any doubts on this. It’s a definite ‘yes’ from my side.
No one can say that they are perfect. Until and unless we discuss our work, we can’t judge our work.

‘Purple Pen’ is providing platforms to all the buddy writers and I’m sure, we are pretty close to the day when the best among the writers will admit: “I write with a Purple Pen”.
I really wonder how I have not known ‘Purple Pen’ before I started writing! You guys rock…!

Thank you Moeedul Sir, we wish you all the very best for your future endeavors. 
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