“Dinner Date” by Ishaan Lalit is another release by Author’s
Empire Publications. I have seen many new publication houses joining and
leaving this industry but this one is surely planning to leave a mark on book
publishing industry.
Coming to the cover of the book, it is design by Amol
Karambe. The cover is simple but at the same time witty. I felt awkward when I saw Stutee Nag’s
comment of the top center of cover. I mean who is Stutee Nag? Does anyone know
her? The answer is NO, unless you read the next few words after her name. She
was an MTV Splits Villa contestant. Does anyone know her now? The answer is
still NO. Google it Please...!
Why a Splits Villa contestant will give a comment for book?
Answer is simple. She is a blogger and as she says ‘I moonlight as a wanna be
writer.’ It should be rectify as ‘Stutee Nag, Blogger’ instead of ‘Stutee Nag,
MTV Splits Villa’
Coming behind the book, this book is an attempt to prove a
blogger who criticized Ishaan’s previous book saying, “He is no writer. He
writes Science fiction because he cannot write anything else.” And to shut that
one mouth, he wrote this book.
Coming to the Story, this book revolves around Sam Thomas, A
lawyer. The book opens up the story on a Dinner Date, where the protagonist is
trying to impress a girl ‘Malika’. She was about to leave the date when Sam
asks her for her just 15 minutes. She agrees and he starts narrating his
It all starts with his failure in first kiss when he was
twelve. He gets a tag of gay after that incident. School life becomes painful
for him. He plans revenge and finds himself in more trouble. Somehow, his
school ends and he joins Law-school at Shimla.
His problem never ends and he finds himself almost expelled
from the school. He gets his chance in form of court trial and he nails it
well. He becomes the star of law school. Hundred pages cover his journey,
difficulties, fights and crush, love and sex. He gets to meet his godfather
Alex and he comes to know about his family secrets and problems. The godfather
part was interesting. I really enjoyed it.
He makes a girlfriend Aditi and he stays happy with her for
three long years in law school and after that too. I will not disclose the
latter half. You will have to get the book to complete the story and to know
how he slides from Aditi and finds himself on a Dinner Date with Malika.
Narration: It is a smartly narrated book. It is humorous and Author zigzags story around
nicely. However, I found the story thin. There is no sub-story to entertain
readers. Author could have worked over few more details. This book could have
been something very good.
Final Verdict: This book is a light read. If you are looking
for an ok-ok story with good narration then pick this book. However, if you are
search of a book you can call novel. Then skip this book and go for something
better, as this book offers nothing new to read. You can pick it if you are
bored of those romance novels and want to read humor and
when-assholes-meet-kind-of story.
I will give it 2.50 out of 5.
To the Author: I think it was a lame attempt to write a book
to prove something. People will always criticize. Write what you love, it will
be better for all. However, still if you want to go for this genre again,
please do a little more homework. Your competitors are awesome and you are
lagging behind. Anyways, a good attempt.
A Review by Team Purple Pen.
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