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Just Saying

Just Saying

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

You would say..."I LOVE YOU!" , by- Abhishek Sharma

                      You would say...."I LOVE YOU!"<3

The sparkle in your eyes puts the stars to shame, my feelings for you i just can't explain...

The love, the affection, the care i feel for you...I just hope one day, you'd say, I love You!

The way we talk, the way we chat, the way we while away our time sitting on that mat...
the way you look at me and then shyly smile...trust me, that alone makes my life worthwhile...
The warmth and affection of your hug...Our late night talks, countless coffee mugs...

Admirers like me will be found so few....I just hope one day you'd say, I love You!

As you rest your head on my shoulders and we watch the sunset together...I don't want that moment to end, i want that feeling to carry on forever...
You're the one i feel peace with when i am laying in your arms...You are the one who captivates me with all her witty charm...
Whenever we part even for a few hours, i don't wish to bid-adieu...I hope someday, you'd say I Love You! 

Your smile is what i need when i have a bad day...You are the rainbow in my life when my world turn grey...
Just when i feel low and you say, "it'll be alright."...that's where i gather my strength from, i know i'll be able to fight.

For the world i am one person but my better half is you...i hope someday, you'd say I love You!

As i write this poem, trying to express my love...there's one thing i am sure of, you're an angel blessed from above...
The calmness on your face, the simplicity in your personality...I know i am blessed to have you, i thank the almighty.

I know that day is not far when you'll understand my value...I just hope one day, you'd say I Love You!

You are the one i think of when I listen a romantic song, read a love story...I hope i grow old with you, I love you till the hoary.
You are the most beautiful girl i  say...My love for you is growing each day...

But still my dream of having you all mine is not yet true..I just hope someday, you'd say I Love You!

And that day alone would make my life worth living...i'll shower my love on you, you'll be love drenched, it'll be love raining.
As i read this poem, it's you i miss...those eyes, that face and those tender lips i long to kiss.

Yes, i know it'll all be new...i know someday, you'll say, "I love You!"

By- Abhishek Sharma

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